Caroline Kornowicz Caroline Kornowicz

Missed deadlines & accountability

Hey Readers!

Sofia here, giving the most overdue update on the planet!

I’m still alive, I promise. Thank you for the concerned Instagram DM’s 😘😘😘

What have I been up to? Vacations, home remodeling, and starting a new job that has become the biggest (and least enjoyable) time-suck. I started working out daily, focusing on my health, and have somehow watched as spring came and went without the words I’d planned to type landing on my Word doc and subsequently into your reading devices.

I have a book cover (yay!) and yet, not much progress on book 3 past that.

So, here’s my promise to you: I will hold myself accountable to finish Book #3 and have it in your eager hands by Halloween 2021.

I owe this to you, to Jax & Natalie, and to myself.

Weekly, I’ll post an update on my progress, and as we get closer a cover reveal and pre-order links and all of the other fun stuff in anticipation for the finale of this complicated and sexy love story will be posted.

Thank you for the ongoing love and push to follow my passion 🤗

Look for my first accountability update posted on Instagram and Facebook every Sunday, starting next Sunday the 18th!

XO, Sofia

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Caroline Kornowicz Caroline Kornowicz


What a whirlwind of a fall!

No matter who you voted for, this political season has been wild.

Layer that with widespread record infections of covid-19, major weather events, and general daily stressors, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for potential disaster.

In those moments of high anxiety and stress, I love to disappear into a book. If you’re reading this, I imagine you do too.

This fall I released book 2 in The Turnover Series, Make It Right. The Natalie and Jax saga continues!

There has been an incredible outpouring of love and support — THANK YOU.

If you’ve read it, please leave a review.

It’s not really for me, but it kind of is.

The reason I ask is because the more reviews (not just ratings, actual reviews) means the more people will be able to come across these books that I loved to write and you loved to read.

So, what’s next?

Well, a few things.

For one, I’ll be taking my sweet ass time with Book 3. I’ve already started, but I want to be sure what happens with Jax is factually-based and realistic, I want to be sure how Natalie supports him pulls at your goddamn heartstrings, and I want to be sure their love story is wrapped up in that perfect little bow you’ve been waiting for. With a few surprises along the way, of course 😉

Second, as any writer will tell you, there are tons of stories floating around in our heads yet to be written. I can’t wait to dive in. Be it a whole new series, some branch offs, maybe even a holiday novella for next year? 🤔

Third, are you a fan of physical books? Do you LOVE the smell of that freshly printed paper and the weight of a novel in your hand? Me too.


That means you can buy a copy, and I’ll send it to you. Personalized note and all, if you’d like.

I don’t know when, but when I know, you’ll know!

Lastly, I’m pondering some holiday sales & promos coming up. More to come on that!

In the meantime, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Please wear a mask.
Please leave a review (not just a rating) on every book you read.
Please stay safe.

Love & light,



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Caroline Kornowicz Caroline Kornowicz

Make It Right Pre-Order

Pre-Ordering and Amazon

You guys, I’m SO excited for you to read Book #2, Make It Right. Jax, Natalie, McKenna, Ed, Owen, Greta, aaaand a few more characters may pop up…


A LOT of you are Amazon Kindle readers, and I have some news about Pre-Order for Make It Right. The platform that I use to publish and distribute my books has an excellent partnership with Amazon, except when it comes to Pre-Order.

“Due to conflicts in the requirements of various eBook distributors, Draft2Digital is currently unable to offer preorders for Amazon Kindle. We are continuing to work toward the ability to add preorders for Amazon, and will update you when that functionality is added. At this time, we will submit any preorder to Amazon on the release date.”

Bummer, right?

Well, maybe not. I’m going to look into publishing separately to Amazon to ensure Pre-Orders are available as soon as possible, and will update as soon as I have this figured out.

When they say 50% of writing a book is figuring out the marketing, they weren’t kidding. And I work in marketing!

I hope you’ve all been enjoying your Labor Day weekend, and have downloaded Make It Work during the .99¢ sale, if you haven’t read it already.



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Caroline Kornowicz Caroline Kornowicz

Labor Day Weekend Sale

Yes, that’s right!

I may only have one book out (so far) but here’s the deal—I’m very proud of it. So much so, that I want to encourage you to read it.

Regardless of platform, it’s .99¢ from September 3rd thru the 7th!

Click here to download today!

Thank you, you’re wonderful, nice ass.


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Caroline Kornowicz Caroline Kornowicz




Sofia Adair here.

If you’re reading this, I have to assume you know that I am a new author on the sports romance scene, and released my first book into the world this summer—Make It Work.

Make It Work is the first part in a series that follows Jax and Natalie (and others) on a journey of sex, love, drama, deceit, and some humor along the way. 

This book, and the all of the subsequent ones, have been in various draft forms for many years. If quarantine (and 2020 is general) has taught me anything, it’s to get my sh*t together. Eat healthier, work out (albeit still rarely), and publish the damn book

This blog will house all of the info you want about new releases, giveaways, sales, general updates, books I’m reading, and I might share a few things about myself here and there, too.

Thank you to those that have signed up for my newsletter. It’s still wild to me that anyone (besides my loyal friends) have downloaded this book, let alone want to hear from me. 

It genuinely means the world.

Thank you. 


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