Make It Right Pre-Order

You guys, I’m SO excited for you to read Book #2, Make It Right. Jax, Natalie, McKenna, Ed, Owen, Greta, aaaand a few more characters may pop up…


A LOT of you are Amazon Kindle readers, and I have some news about Pre-Order for Make It Right. The platform that I use to publish and distribute my books has an excellent partnership with Amazon, except when it comes to Pre-Order.

“Due to conflicts in the requirements of various eBook distributors, Draft2Digital is currently unable to offer preorders for Amazon Kindle. We are continuing to work toward the ability to add preorders for Amazon, and will update you when that functionality is added. At this time, we will submit any preorder to Amazon on the release date.”

Bummer, right?

Well, maybe not. I’m going to look into publishing separately to Amazon to ensure Pre-Orders are available as soon as possible, and will update as soon as I have this figured out.

When they say 50% of writing a book is figuring out the marketing, they weren’t kidding. And I work in marketing!

I hope you’ve all been enjoying your Labor Day weekend, and have downloaded Make It Work during the .99¢ sale, if you haven’t read it already.






Labor Day Weekend Sale