
What a whirlwind of a fall!

No matter who you voted for, this political season has been wild.

Layer that with widespread record infections of covid-19, major weather events, and general daily stressors, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for potential disaster.

In those moments of high anxiety and stress, I love to disappear into a book. If you’re reading this, I imagine you do too.

This fall I released book 2 in The Turnover Series, Make It Right. The Natalie and Jax saga continues!

There has been an incredible outpouring of love and support — THANK YOU.

If you’ve read it, please leave a review.

It’s not really for me, but it kind of is.

The reason I ask is because the more reviews (not just ratings, actual reviews) means the more people will be able to come across these books that I loved to write and you loved to read.

So, what’s next?

Well, a few things.

For one, I’ll be taking my sweet ass time with Book 3. I’ve already started, but I want to be sure what happens with Jax is factually-based and realistic, I want to be sure how Natalie supports him pulls at your goddamn heartstrings, and I want to be sure their love story is wrapped up in that perfect little bow you’ve been waiting for. With a few surprises along the way, of course 😉

Second, as any writer will tell you, there are tons of stories floating around in our heads yet to be written. I can’t wait to dive in. Be it a whole new series, some branch offs, maybe even a holiday novella for next year? 🤔

Third, are you a fan of physical books? Do you LOVE the smell of that freshly printed paper and the weight of a novel in your hand? Me too.


That means you can buy a copy, and I’ll send it to you. Personalized note and all, if you’d like.

I don’t know when, but when I know, you’ll know!

Lastly, I’m pondering some holiday sales & promos coming up. More to come on that!

In the meantime, take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Please wear a mask.
Please leave a review (not just a rating) on every book you read.
Please stay safe.

Love & light,




Missed deadlines & accountability


Make It Right Pre-Order